Welcome to DRD- medsortrnote. Today we will discuss about Paracetamol. This topic includes :- General properties & Mechanism of action Dosage Use Adverse reactions Toxicity, Clinical features & How to Manage Paracetamol toxicity 1) GENERAL PROPERTIES AND MECHANISM OF ACTION :- General properties:- Paracetamol / N-acetyl P-aminophenol / Acetaaminophene is classified under group of drugs called Para-aminophenol derivatives under Major group called NSAIDs Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs. Acetanilide is the parent member of this group of drug. it was first used in medicine by Von Mering in 1893. Peak plasma concentration Cp = In ½ to 1 hour. t ½ is 2hours Protein binding is 20 to 50% Metabolized by Glucuronides (60%) and Sulfates (35%) Mechanism of Action :- It has both Anti Pyretic and Anti Inflammatory activity. but Anti pyretic effect is more pronounced. M.O.A.:- weak Nonspecific COX (Cyclooxygenase) enzyme inhibition by...
simplified notes for medical exams preparation by Dr. Dev and Team.